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The Marks of Christ

Writer's picture: bwgospelministriesbwgospelministries

Anchor Scripture: Galatians 6:14-17 Scripture References: Gen. 20: 1-28; 26: 1-33; 31: 22-29, John 7: 25-30; 10: 30-39, Psalm 14:4-7; 34: 17-22; 37: 37-40

Introduction Years back in the village, whenever the owner of a possession discovers that there are many of such a thing, owned by different people all around them, they made a mark on their own such that different owners are able to distinguish theirs from those of the others to avoid confusions as to whom owns which. This initiative is in no doubt the rationale behind the use of tribal marks in some parts of the world that are used to identify people's descent and origins without any stress. With tribal marks, people's lineages could be traced even within the same descents. Likewise brethren, TRUE children of God bear common marks by which they are easily recognized by God, their fellow children of God and even, the devil and his agents. in the Gospel according to Saint John 10:27, Jesus Christ says, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:" And 2 Tim. 2:19 also says, "Nevertheless . . . . The Lord knoweth them that are his." In the same vein, the children of the devil also have their own common marks by which they are easily recognized by God, they themselves and devil, their father. Brethren, after this feast today, we should be able to know whether we truly belong to God or not. If not, I pray that the needed God's grace and the Holy Spirit that will enable us to so become shall be released upon us in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Amen.

A. What Are The Marks of Christ?  The marks of Christ are those things that stand Him out and qualify Him as our Lord and Saviour. In summary, the Bible calls them, ". . . the dying of the Lord Jesus . . . ." (2 Cor. 4:10) by which we become joint heirs with Him in the Kingdom of God (Rom. 8: 17)

B. Examples of Christ's Marks i. Not being ashamed of the Gospel of Christ - Rom. 1: 16, Luke 9: 26, 1 Cor. 2:2, 2 Tim. 1: 8, 1 Pet. 4: 16, Mark 8: 38, Psalm 40: 9-10; 119: 46 ii. Showing earnestness to preach the Gospel and the Kingdom of God - Phil. 3: 10, 2 Tim. 4: 2, Luke 9: 60, John 21: 15-17

iii. Being ready to suffer for the Gospel - 2 Tim. 1: 8, Eph. 6: 20, Isaiah 53: 2-5, Rom. 5: 3; 8: 35-39, Mat. 5: 10-12, Acts 20: 23-24, 2 Cor. 6: 4-10; 11: 23-27, 1 Pet. 4: 12-14

iv. Taking care of those suffering for the Gospel of Christ - 1 Cor. 16: 18, 2 Cor. 1: 16; 7: 6-7, Philem. 1: 7, 1 Thes. 3: 6-7

v. Being lowly in spirit (humility) - Mat. 20: 28, Luke 22: 27, John 13: 4-17, Phil. 2: 5-8, Heb. 5: 8

vi. Being mindful of others - Acts 2: 44-45; 4: 32, 2 Cor. 8: 9, 14-15, 1 John 3: 16-18, Phil. 2: 4, Gal. 6: 1-2, Eph. 4: 1-2, James 2: 15-16, 1 Pet. 1: 22


I have always maintained that it is not enough for us to just bear the title Christians, but we definitely need to move a step further to be truly CHRIST-LIKE. Our desire and readiness to partake of His attitudes will mark us out as TRUE DISCIPLES. Until we are seeing becoming Him in all manners of existence while on earth, we are just not ready yet.

The truth is that no one can claim to be there yet, but brethren, the exhortation is that we should endeavour not to be weary or slumber. Christ is aware of our weaknesses, and He will strengthen us when our own strength fails. However, it behoves of us to strive and make effort, and not say that we are weak. Our willingness is required for Him to aid us.

I pray God will help us all in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Amen.

Till we meet again, keep keeping on in Him!


© 2020 Bible-way Gospel Ministries. Lagos. Nigeria

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