FINISHING STRONG – 20th October, 2020
Anchor Scripture: “But godliness with contentment is great gain.”
I bring you greetings from the Throne of Grace!
On Friday last week, the Holy Spirit reminded us that for our faith to be perfect, we must add PATIENCE to it. And patience was said to be our ability and or willingness to wait for God’s answer and or time. In 1 Samuel, 13: 8 – 14, lack of patience was Saul’s first undoing that caused him the kingdom of Israel. So, as children of God, we must learn to be patient.
Our Focus Scripture today tells of contentment alongside godliness. The truth is that contentment is an offshoot of patience which we were schooled on last Friday for none who is not patience should claim to be content with what they have. A lack of contentment brings about impatience.
The book of 2 Peter 1: 6 admonishes that for our faith to be perfect, we must add godliness to our patience. The implication of this, brethren, is that it is possible to for someone to say they have faith without being patient and or godly. Wow! Truth be told, that is what I see in the church today. The congregations in the different denominations are being taught through wrong messages and even prayer points, both to haste up and to be covetous. But from our Focus Scripture on Friday and today, we could see that such teaching are what they are, heresies, and are therefore not from God.
The book of Philippians 2: 5 admonishes us thus: “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:” What mind was that? The humble mind that focuses on obeying God is it. It is the mind that desires nothing, but pleasing God and His Christ and nothing more. Jesus Christ, during His earthly ministry made this clear severally that His only mission was to do that which He was sent to do. In fact, He called it His only food at a point (John 4: 34, 6: 38). Job, King David and Apostle Paul were three of the people who had such mind, too (Job 23: 12; Psalm 40: 8; Philippians 1: 21).
As we close this morning brethren, the point the Holy Spirit is making here is that while it is possible to claim to have faith without being patient nor showing any mark of godliness, having a mind that is made up to do God’s will brings us to the point of godliness. That is, no one can claim to be godly without doing God’s will. And when we develop a heart that is prepared to wait for God (patience and contentment), we are being godly because as said on Friday last week, God doesn’t rush and cannot be rushed. So, patience is one of the attributes of God without which our faith may not be perfect before Him nor FINISH STRONG with Him. I pray that won’t be our testimonies in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him.
Jesus loves you!