". . . making ready a people prepared for the Lord. " Luke 1: 17

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Our Beliefs
As earlier said under our about, the BIBLE-WAY GOSPEL MINISTRIES hold on to the teachings and lifestyle of our Lord, Jesus Christ as depicted in the Gospels and rightly exemplified by the early Apostles.
The following are what we believe and practice: WE BELIEVE
(1) in God, the Almighty, that He is the Creator of heaven and earth (Genesis 1: 1-27).
(2) in the divine existence and the Sanctity of the Holy Trinity of, God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
(3) that Jesus Christ is the Only Son of God. That He was conceived through the Holy Spirit, came in the flesh and died for the propitiation of our sins (Mat. 1: 18-25, Rom. 3; 25, 1 John 2: 1-2)
(4) justification is only available to man through faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 5: 2, 9, Eph. 1: 7, Col. 1: 14)
(5) in water baptism as done unto Jesus Christ and which He too did for all His disciples (Mat. 3: 13-17, John 3: 22)
(6) in the efficacy and the cleansing Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 10: 19,
(7) in the Holy Ghost Baptism with the prove of speaking in tongues (Mark 16: 17, Acts 2: 4)
(8) in the establishment and existence of the five (5) ministries: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. (Eph. 4: 11, 1 Cor. 12: 28,
(9) in the TEN COMMANDMENTS received on Mount Sinai by Moses (Exodus 20: 1-17)