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The BIBLE-WAY GOSPEL MINISTRIES is a bible-based, teaching ministry ordained by God Himself. The ministry stands and relies solely on the TRUTH of the Word of God.


The BIBLE-WAY GOSPEL MINISTRIES is mandated by the Owner of the ministry, the God Almighty, not to preach anything outside the Word of God.


All the believes and practices in the ministry therefore are based on what the Bible says with no regards to what any other literature says. At BIBLE-WAY GOSPEL MINISTRIES, we rely entirely on the teachings of the Holy Spirit because he had been commissioned to teach us and so far, God has been very, very faithful in this respect. 


With respect to ministry doctrines and tenets, the generality of God's children can be very sure that whatever practice that is not found in the early churches planted by the Apostles may not found its way into BIBLE-WAY GOSPEL MINISTRIES. We have respect to the Old Testament part of the Bible. However, the book of Hebrews has made it clear that all that are therein are NOTHING BUT A SHADOW OF THINGS TO COME.


To this end therefore, the BIBLE-WAY GOSPEL MINISTRIES has only one doctrine, OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST! Thus, the ministry, by the commandment of God to the founder is patterned after the lifestyle and the teachings of Jesus Christ, relying heavily on the dictates of the Holy Spirit of God. You can read more about our beliefs and what we practice here.


The BIBLE-WAY GOSPEL MINISTRIES is actually a teaching ministry based on the calling and instruction of the Owner, the HOLY TRINITY. 


The ministry has a care-giving branch, LORD'S HEART, that serves as a charity organization to the general public of any race. The goal of this branch of the ministry is to mitigate and alleviate the unavoidable sufferings that are prevalent in our world today. The LORD'S HEART seeks to heed the call of given to every child of God in Deuteronomy 15: 11. We are not doing this ourselves alone, but we rely on God's provisions through grants from international missions and voluntary donors. You can donate to the mission here.


In the future, the ministry intends, if so permitted by God, to also have a branch of it that will teach younger generations on how to become a Godly leader, using good leaders of God's people in the Bible as examples worthy of emulations.

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The Visionary
Bro. Bidemi Oyedele

This is the servant of God to whom the call came in the year 2001. The call is clear: "Go and teach my people the truth of my Word. Use this truth to draw them out of darkness into my light"

© 2020 Bible-way Gospel Ministries. Lagos. Nigeria

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