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Writer's picture: bwgospelministriesbwgospelministries

Anchor Scripture: 2 Timothy 2: 20 - 22

Introduction Christianity has been infiltrated. Christianity has been permeated by different kinds of element, people. Professing Christians have allowed themselves to be used and equally allowed their profession to be hijacked, molested and used to further obscene courses. Christians have left their first loves and have gone after many devices. The prayer is that may the good Lord heal his Church and bring it up for His glory in Jesus Name. Amen.

Message Many people throng into churches today. Every Sunday, we record millions upon millions attendance in services in our different denominations. Hallelujah!

Vessels are carriers. They are containers that carry some things.  There is no vessel that doesn't carry something. As individuals, we are vessels. That is, we are carriers or are expected to carry something. The question however is what do we carry as individuals, and maybe, as a congregation?

The Bible says "know ye not that ye are the temple of God . . ." (1 Cor. 3: 16 - 17)  In the Old Testament and even into the New Testament before Christ's ascension and before the Apostles began their manifestations, God lived and was in tents and other structures built with human hands. Unfortunately, that is what some so-called Christians still base their believe, worship and service of God on today. They still believe God is still in that building call churches. However, by virtue of Christ's death on the cross, an end came to the temple worship of God because according to the Scripture, God has made His abode with His people (Revelation 21:3) He now lives in and among us. We are the temples of God (1 Cor. 3:16). Hallelujah!

The question, however, begging for answer is whether we are all carriers of God, or His Son, or better still, His Spirit (Hebrews 1:2) So, the question becomes relevant that says: "what manner of a vessel are you?"

Our anchor Scripture today makes it clear that we may be many in our services, but it is not everyone that is made ready for "the master's use" because we are made of different kind of materials and therefore made for different uses; some to honour, others to dishonour. While some are made of wood and clay, which are very perishable and hardly face tough situations predicted by the Master Himself and other Apostles through the Holy Spirit, some are made of gold and have already passed through fire and are refined and are therefore ready for the Master's use.

The fact that we are of different materials is the reason Jesus mentioned that "what is meant for the children shall not be thrown to the dogs." (Mark 7:27) Kingdom secrets and therefore, treasure, are not meant for everyone in the building called, church. They are not even for everyone among those called, brethren. Or was Judas Iscariot not one of the brethren? (Mat. 26:14) Also, was Demas not? (2 Tim. 4:10) Many have fallen by the wayside, and many would still fall. My prayer is that the grace to stand to the end, God will bestow it upon us in Jesus Name. Amen.

But that prayer may work only if we are carriers of the right thing, the Holy Spirit of God. You can't be listening and dancing to worldly music or be dressing indecently, for example, and be calling yourself a vessel unto the Master's use. You can't be keeping malice, committing adultery, fornication, murder, and the likes, and not know that you are carrying the wrong thin, a contraband, in the kingdom of God. Let me tell you, it doesn't matter whether your Pastor preach against these spiritual misdemeanors or not. Your Pastor's standard is not Gods'.

A beautiful manifestation of what you carry as a vessel is revealed in your thoughts, and therefore, your actions. That is why Philippians 1:27 warns that our "conversation should be as the Gospel of Christ demands" for "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh." (Mat. 12:34) By this we know what manner of a vessel you are. Jesus warned that "a good tree cannot produce a bad fruit and a bad tree will not produce a good fruit." (Mat. 7:17-18) No one can serve two masters. (Luke 16:13) No one can love God and still love the world ( 1 John 2:15 ). "By their fruits . . . . (Mat. 7:16-20)

Conclusion Whatever is inside you is what you carry and it is what determines what manner of a vessel you are. Although, you may be feigning what manner of a vessel you are, to man, but always remember that God cannot be deceived (Galatians 6:7).

The kind of a vessel you are will determine the use to which you are to be put, whether unto honour or unto dishonour.

The Good News however is that whatever you might have been carrying, hitherto, the mercy and grace of God are always available to revive you and bring you into His sonship. The blood of Jesus Christ is available to cleanse you of all filthiness. Verse 21 of our anchor Scripture says that "if  we cleanse ourselves . . . ." That is the mercy and the wholesomeness of God, the Almighty.

I pray that the grace to lay hold of His grace, the Lord will bestow on us all in Jesus Name. Amen.

Till we meet again, keep keeping on in Him!



© 2020 Bible-way Gospel Ministries. Lagos. Nigeria

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