Weekly Anchor Scripture: “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” – Matthew 11: 12

Monday 28th September 2020
Focus Scripture: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” – John 5: 24
I bring you greetings from the Throne of Grace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Sincerely speaking, one of the simplest topics but which many Christians still find hard to actually understand is the topic of salvation; that is being saved. On a number of occasions, I have asked the question of what salvation means to some Christians, and the answers I got were just weird, and they showed that people don’t really know what it means to be saved. Well, for time and space, to be saved simply means to be made alive or to bring back to life from death. This is what the Bible calls “quickening” (John 6: 63; Ephesians 2: 1, 5; Colossians 2: 13). As natural seeds of Adam, we were separated from God and were dead in sin (Ephesians 2: 1, 5). But coming unto God through His Christ, we were quickened (made alive) by the Spirit of life which is in Christ Jesus (Romans 8: 2).
Take it or leave it, salvation is the only compulsory ticket into the Kingdom of God. That is why the Holy Spirit compares it to a soldier’s helmet that protects their head. That is because the head is about the most pivotal part of the body without which the body could seize to live again. The heart, which we are to cover with breastplate, though very important, but during transplants, could be briefly taken out of the body and returned later and the body will still live thereafter. That is why God also calls for a spiritual heart transplant from us to be saved (Joel 2: 13). But the moment the head is taken off the neck, the body is dead and never will live again.
So, of all the necessary armours of God mentioned in Ephesians 6: 10 – 18), salvation is the most important because it is the only thing that gives us any rights whatsoever to use the other armours. Without salvation (being saved), we are bastards before God, and according to Deuteronomy 23: 2, no bastards shall be counted or named among the congregation (people) of God. So, the helmet of salvation (Ephesians 6: 17) is a MUST for everybody who wants to ENDURE TO THE END and FINISH STRONG in the Lord with the sole aim of making it back Home on the Last Day.
As we close this morning beloved brethren, I beg you in the Holy Name of God, if you know you are not yet saved, kindly make necessary amends where necessary. Turn that area of your life which the devil is using to assault your faith and delay your salvation over to God. I say this because there are many people in the church today who are not saved, even after answering the perfunctory traditional altar calls, but they are in the church, with some of them being deluded by their religious piety, some being deceived by their pastors and very many, totally lost because they are confused, not knowing what is right or wrong. Galatians 6: 7 says no one can deceive God. Let me tell you, salvation is more beneficial to you than God. The truth is that even if the whole world went into hell at the end of the times, it doesn’t mean God would seize to be God because He had been God even before He created the heaven and the earth.
Finally this morning, without salvation, no one can be strong in the Lord because it is salvation that gives us the right to call ourselves, "children of God." (John 1: 12). And without becoming the children of God, we are not heirs with Christ and we cannot lay claims to the spiritual riches of the Kingdom of God, part of which the armours of God are. So, salvation is our headcover. If your head is still open, get it covered, NOW! We are in a serious battle and the battle will rage till Jesus Christ appears in the sky to take us Home. So, it is dangerous to leave your head open. Else, such may NEVER FINISH STRONG. I pray that will not be our testimonies in Jesus Christ’s mighty name. Amen.
Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him!
N. B. We will like to welcome your feedback, either by way of comments under each daily devotional or as a private message. You could reach us through bwgospelministries@yahoo.comor via 07064694037. Please, feel free to ask any questions or add to what the Holy Spirit daily dish out to us, remember, “iron sharpeneth iron.”
Jesus loves you!